Everyone needs a friend.

Miracle Friends is a phone buddy program for individuals experiencing homelessness. Volunteer from anywhere in the world, just 30 minutes per week.

Get matched today!

300+ life-changing friendships

Miracle Friends matches individuals experiencing homelessness with volunteers from around the world for weekly phone calls and texts to check-in and say hello.

How It Works

  1. Miracle Friends is 100% virtual and remote. Volunteer from anywhere in the world!

  2. We match you with someone experiencing homelessness at one of our partner service sites.

  3. We provide you a Google Voice or Dialpad number to reach your unhoused friend WITHOUT giving out your personal phone number.

  4. You commit ~30 minutes per week, flexible based on your schedule:

    • Weekly 1:1 calls and/or texts with your unhoused friend

    • Log each call in your volunteer dashboard

    • Optional group check-ins (weekly 30-min)

    • Initial training & kickoff orientation

  5. You offer general companionship and support - as a friend, not a caseworker. Our team & volunteer community will support you at every step. (Additionally, we strive to have every unhoused friend also supported by a caseworker at their service site.)

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