6,699 supporters like you have raised $3,170,569.76 to help us end relational poverty on the streets.

Your generosity has enabled us to reunite over 800 families, facilitate more than 300 life-changing friendships, and launch one of the first direct cash transfer pilots for unhoused adults in the US, resulting in 66% of unhoused recipients getting off the streets as a result.

Make a tax-deductible donation today (EIN # 82-4179328) and help us rebuild social support and financial security for our unhoused neighbors.

 Past major funders include:


$250 facilitates a life-changing friendship

"In all my years, I have never seen anything like the change that has occurred in Ruben."

– Caseworker

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$2,000 reunites another family

"It's been a long, long, long time."

– Isaac A., who reunited with his family after 40 years. They now live together.


$500 locates another loved one

You gave me my family back [after 25 years apart]. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

– Juanita H.

$9,000 sponsors a basic income recipient

“This program brought me out of my shell and I became more confident in myself. I had lost that confidence and speaking to someone validated that I can do this”

- Elizabeth

Make your gift today, and transform a life.


Checks can be made out to “Miracle Messages,” and mailed to our office:

5432 Geary Blvd, Suite 896
San Francisco, CA 94121

Please email us after mailing your check so we can be sure to check for it.

Donor-advised fund

By using DAF Direct via this Miracle Messages specific link, you can easily make a donation directly to MM through your DAF with Fidelity, Schwab, or BNY Mellon.

Learn more about DAFs here.

Stock/legacy gift

We also accept stock donations, money orders, wire transfers, and legacy gifts (a gift in your will, beneficiary designations, qualified charitable distributions, non-cash assets). Please email us for instructions or any questions!